Sunday, December 4, 2016

hello my poppets

im back and even slightly more fabulous than before (hard to imagine i know). i will not be capitalizing or using correct grammar if i dont wish to so you get to suffer through the same torture i endure every time i enter the subway, tram, bus, an train (oh my). im not entirely sure where i left off but i think it was somewhere close to after language camp (im going to pretend that test of using a polish keyboard never exsisted). some new changes since i last graced you dear readers with my presence.

i dyed my hair pink at a rotary conference (never bet against a brazilian)

i now understand about 20% of everyday confersations in polish. granted its usually tthe words like "and, i, you, fish, -insert polish curse here-, and hello.

ive visited 9 countries so far in life in this order- usa, canada, poland, lithuania, hungary, czech, slovakia (i think), austria, and germany.

ive raced through the shonbrunn palace gardens wearing an american flag (rotarys idea by the way)


my rotary blazer is so full of pins that it is actually difficult to move in

i wore my rotary blazer to school because it was in my locker and nobody told me i was supposed to dress nicely. best way to find out who is actually your friend because nobody would associate with me outside of my classmates (everyone else was very formally dressed in suits and ties)

i missed a week long trip to the mountains because my classmates didnt bother to tell me it was happening and i showed up to school like an idiot trying to find my class for half a day (i vow revenge....somehow)

ive been to polish parliment, i also tried to sit in the presidents special chair but was told quite firmly by the tour guide that it is "frowned upon" (read as illegal, theres an actual law ;))


pierogi is good about 75% percent of the time...but when its not....may the god of polish food have mercy on you

so much fish and cabage

I CAN GET AMAZING EUROPEAN PASTRIES FOR 50 CENTS... i often buy in bulk (read as "light snack")

ive started writing again and before you ask no you can not read it, if i suceed in my goal you will have to pay for a copy just like the rest of the world :)'

i went ice skating for the first time... granted i looked like a flamingo on lsd... it was still fun

i have discovered that i have an accent that is "impossible to understand" even other midwesterners think its very southern.

on that note ive mastered the southern accent (it started as a joke but got out of hand) i sound like a flirtatious cowboy from one of the books you catch your mother staring at in the checkout but its still southern!

the state of my country is terrifying and is becoming more so every few days as more news makes itself my way, im from indiana and i went through pence's "education system" if its any judge of him and his bromance partner donalds next few years maybe a few more exchanges or a future in politics is in my future...if they can do it why cant i!

on a lighter note bread is good...i will not be able to go back to blue bunny white bread ever again, poland has ruined me

polish lesson time-
hello (formal)- dzien dobry
cool- spoko
need- portubuje
run- biegac
now- teraz
people- ludzie
bread- chleb

now the only term i know in russian(ish)
i dont speak english- i dont speak london

ive started listening to a lot of music (mostly to hear english accents at the begining) and finally have a playlist im willing to show my friends that doesnt make me look 12 years old

i dont have any pictures for you because i dont have a way to put them on this computer at the moment so if you want those youll have to look at my facebook page, im pretty sure ive been tagged in some things there.

do widzenia- goodbye

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