Monday, September 19, 2016


I have given up on trying to post pictures. My pictures don't even she up on my phone other than a file name so I can't tell which ones to email to my self so I can put them on the blog through my host parents tablet so...screw it I'll find another way to do pictures.
School is OK but I spend most of my time coloring in my notebook than taking notes because it's all in the world's hardest language (literally) the only classes I understand are English and German so for about 5 hours a week I know what I'm doing in school other than the 15 minutes of break between each class, in that time I either read ebooks on my phone or try to talk to polish students which almost never goes well๐Ÿ˜‚ they told me that my accent is like I have pasta in my mouth. The plans for euro tour have been announced and we're visiting Spain Portugal France and a few others, oh and it's 22 days not 17 this year which drove the price up by 500 USD.
Torun and Bydgoszcz were great (the 2 rotary things I've attended) I have lots of pictures including those of my now bright pink hair (never bet against a Brazilian)
I don't have school this week because my class is in the mountains for the week and nobody told me about it, sooo I showed up to school and attended my first class (my class isn't in it) then try to go to my next one only to have my teacher ask me why I'm at school...
I bought some things in torun, a little knife that I'm absolutely positive I'll forget to take off my keychain some day and try to go through a government building or airport ๐Ÿ˜‚, another necklace( I have bought a lot of them here because they will last a long time and they're good keepsakes) and gingerbread figure of a couple in a.... compromising position (technically I made that one with a mold the gingerbread museum had).

the food is OK but Europeans don't seem to use spices on anything, I'm not talking complicated spices either I mean there is no salt on anything here! Kabab is my new favorite food though because it's freaking amazing and they do candy in a way I'm still undecided about.

WARSZAWA- I LOVE IT!  I'm in the capital city instead of South bend it's great I always thought I liked being closer to the woods than the city but Warsaw is the perfect blend, it's the largest city in Poland yet I see blue sky every day on the way to school, also public transportation rocks! I don't think I'll be able to go back to having to ask if someone can take me somewhere next year!


    Man, there has to be a story in every one of your paragraphs in this blog! Pink hair? Never bet against a Brazilian? your class is in the mountains for a week! How did they get there? Can you catch to them - bicycle, train, airplane? Worlds hardest language? Can't wait to hear more! Keep up the good work.

  2. On vacation, haven't had a signal in days. So nice to finally get online and see Zee news! Portugal & Spain ๐Ÿ˜ OMGosh what a treat. Two places on my top 5! Gingerbread museum... What? Dude grab a hiking stick, get up to the mountains and find your classmates! I'm a woodland girl, love pink hair ( had a pink mohawk once) & love me some spice on food ๐Ÿ˜‰. Keep rocking it, life is good.
